A True Financial Start - A True Financial Start - A True Financial Start - A True Financial Start - A True Financial Start -

Spreading Financial Literacy
One Student At A Time

Our Mission

​Here at A True Financial Start, our aim is to provide the youth with a strong foundation of financial literacy in an accessible and affordable manner. We created this organization with the intent to spark interest in those with an unrealized love for finance, just as we discovered ours.

Just a few of the basic concepts we will cover include money management, saving, investing, budgeting, and so much more. At TFS, youth financial literacy is a topic we feel very passionately about; and in order to positively affect even more lives, we have pledged to donate 100% of the donations we receive to aid in the education of financial literacy throughout the world.

About the Team

Collab – Online Learning Platform

Neel Vadher

  • HHello, my name is Neel Vadher! I am currently a junior at Downingtown S.T.E.M Academy, and partake in numerous activities in-and-out of school, including: DECA, FBLA, Wharton Investment Competition, etc.

  • During the pandemic, I found my love for the field of business/finance through countless hours of research and YouTube videos. My interest in the field inspired me to start A True Financial Start, and through this I hope to help others find their love for the field. I bugged my dad for months to open a custodial account so I could get started investing, and through TFS, I want to encourage others to find that same passion. I aspire to pursue my knowledge in finance throughout my high school and hopefully college career.

  • Outside of my academic commitments, I also love to spend my free time playing travel soccer, basketball, camping with my Boy Scouts troop, volunteering with the local Youth Group, and spending time with family and friends.

Collab – Online Learning Platform

Saharsha Navani

  • Hello, I'm Saharsha! I am a rising senior in high school with a love for anything business and technology. I love participating in DECA, FBLA, and learing about the intersection of economics, business, and technology through my research at the Yale Economic Growth Center!

  • I'm passionate about finance and intend to deepen my understanding during high school and, ideally, college. My interest in this field has developed in recent years, and through TFS, I aim to contribute to my community by helping others explore finance early on and build a solid foundation in financial literacy.

  • I think every child deserves a fundamental grasp of finance, which many currently lack. Additionally, I enjoy learning robotics with my team, FTC 14423 The Robocorns, playing table tennis, competing in programming, and just making the most of life!

Collab – Online Learning Platform

Ranvir Patankar

  • Hi, my name is Ranvir! I’m a junior at Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy with a love for learning about finance and business. In this field, a few of my hobbies include participating in DECA, FBLA, and investing in and out of the Wharton Investment Competition which I participate in with Neel!

  • I love learning about finance, and I plan to further my knowledge throughout high school and hopefully college. It was only in the last few years and over the COVID-19 pandemic that I was able to discover my passion for this subject, and through TFS, I hope to give back to my community by allowing others to explore the field of finance at a young age and receive a strong foundation of financial literacy.

  • I believe that a basic understanding of finance is something that all children deserve, and that many children don’t currently receive. I also love learning about engineering through VEX Robotics, playing tennis, playing the guitar, playing outside with my friends, spending time with my family, and rooting for the Eagles!

Any Questions? Feel Free to Ask!

We are always trying to improve our curriculum so you can learn more about these real-world topics.

If you have any suggestions, critiques, or just want to say something, fill out the form and press send!.

Reach Out to Us

TFS – A True Financial Start
TFS – A True Financial Start